So, the car is loaded up, the house left dark, and I'm on my way through the thick fog. And I mean thick! I honestly thought they were going to delay the start. They probably would have if it was an open water swim, but this was in the pool. I got my packet, body marked, and transition set up. Hmm, what am I forgetting? Don't know, so I'll just go visit the facilities. Why can't I do this at home, where it's cleaner and the line is usually shorter? Geez!
During my travels around the site, people kept coming up to me that I didn't recognize (at least immediately) and asking how I was doing, and wishing me well on my continued recovery. One pair of ladies walked up and the first did basically the above. Then the other turned to the first and said, "Oh, that was HIM!?!" Wow, I guess I'm famous. Or something. Notorious?
The pre-race meeting went normally, and we lined up in the seeded start order for the 300yd swim. I had SWAG'd 5:20 for my time, so I started 49th. My start comes up, and I'm off. Within one length (25yds) I've caught up with the lady ahead of me. Clearly, one of us was way off on our estimate. I passed her 50yds later after setting up on a turn, and was off with clear sailing ahead of me. I got out of the pool feeling good, albeit winded from strong effort, but happy. I get to transition (150yd run?) and hit my watch: 5:09? Whoa, I must have been "on" in the water today! On to the bike leg...
I forgot to hit my watch at transition exit, so I didn't have my unofficial split, and only hit it about 1/2 mile later. My legs were feeling really sluggish and tired, and I didn't understand why. Then it hit me: the vitamins I normally take before a ride or race (essentially Sport Legs) were still in my bag. Doh! But, I slowly loosened up and started finding my groove. I picked up the pace and passed a lot of people. Until I blew by an untended and poorly marked turn. Double DOH! Fortunately the guys behind me let me know, and I turned around. I had to pass all these guys again, and the hills on this course were brutal. Not especially steep, but seemingly unending. I finished strong, and was into transition for the run. No idea of the actual time, but the average speed was over 21mph.
The run started on an uphill stretch, and my calf started cramping almost immediately. I backed off and ran through it, but my pace suffered. There was a dude in my AG that I tried to hang on to, but he was stronger than me today. I did get a kick at the end, but nothing spectacular. I crossed the line with an unofficial time of somewhere under 1:05:00. And Chad, I did yell SPARTA! when I crossed the line, just for you. I swear, I really did!
We milled around, talked with some folks, and got our gear back in the cars. After an extensive door-prize giveaway, the awards ceremony started. There were 4 of us that are sort of on the same "team" if you will. Jamie placed 2nd overall, but should have been first. We weren't using chip timing, and there was a SNAFU with gapped slots and compensating for the swim start. Oh well, still a good result. Johnathon and Cameron both placed 1st in their age groups, and they all left after getting their prizes (it was getting late in the morning by now). I stuck around for a bit longer, and they got to the men's 30-34 AG. I heard the 3rd place time, and a huge smile went across my face.

I placed 2nd in my age group, with a 1:04:29! Woo hoo!! The one race Mendy didn't attend this year, and I finally podium. While admittedly not the depth of ability in the other races, there were still plenty of fast people, so I'm happy.
After that, I went home to shower and change, and then we all loaded up to meet Mendy's dad for lunch. Holy cow, what a nice meal: a huge sliced prime rib sandwich and fries, washed down with some barley sodas. Now it's football time while Mendy rests and takes medicine.
awww Mendy...Ear aches flat out suck!! Get better soon!
Congrats David on 2nd for ur age group...nice way to get back into TRI's
Congrats on your podium spot! Excellent comeback race. I'll be looking forward to more from you!
You did GREAT!!! I just wish I could have been there with you as your photographer, and supporter. I would have loved to see you on the podium as much as you've been wanting it. Those 3 hrs of ear pain this morning made it impossible for me to go, and I appreciate you making me stay home.
I'm very proud of you! You've come a long way, and even more after your accident.
Good job and congrats on placing 2nd! Hope Mendy is doing better.
You posted this yesterday?!? Dang Bloglines!
Sorry for the ignorance over here :P but what is SWAG'd ?!?
Wow! Holy Mother! What a way to come back!! ;D ;D You rocked homie!!! Pretty sweet to come back to a second place finish, huh? Just think of how kick ass you'll do when you get "all" better :-) Do I see a 1st place in there? Yeah, no doubt!
I'm seriously dying of laughter over here. You really went there with the Sparta? HAHAHAHAA
Poor Mendy :-( I hope you're feeling better soon chica!!
SWAG = Scientific Wild Ass Guess
Congrats on your 2nd place! That's awesome.
David said...SWAG = Scientific Wild Ass Guess
ahhhhhhhh that is
What a sweet comeback!!!!!! Awesome job! Congrats on placing!!!
Tell Mendy I hope her ear is better!!!!
Hey David, we should definitely get together if you come out to Coronado. That would be good.
Mendy has been having such a rough road lately!!
the one race where you are solo and you place. Rats!!! Did you get someone to take pictures? It had to feel good but weird being back out there.
Three cheers for David!!!
Yaaay, David! Congrats!
Hope Mendy's feeling better by now.
You smoked that race! WTG on the 2nd place finish! Nice welcome back to the Wonderful World of Tris and not bad to be Notorious at the same time ;)
Great job with the race...and welcome to the revolution...
This is not a triathlon.
This is SPARTA!!!
Way to go!!! You all are such rock stars up there :)
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