I decided (out of brute laziness) to let my facial hair grow over the last week or so. I was starting to look pretty scruffy, so this morning it all came off. Except the moustache (at least initially.) This is something I do occasionally just to freak Mendy out. With or without facial hair I look relatively normal. With just the 'stache, I look like a cop in the worst possible way. Seriously, it's like something you would see on the wall at the post office. Anyway, Mendy was grossed out, I got a laugh, and now I'm all clean shaven for another dreaded Monday morning.
I suppose the dread of Monday is because of awesome weekends like the one that's now in the record books. Friday was a nice swim at lunch to realize my 400m race time, and then after work I did hill repeats on the bike. The next time I tell you guys that I'm looking forward to or feel like doing hill repeats, someone please tell me to go sober up and sleep it off. The brutality on my legs was insane, but somehow I completed 10 repeats and rode home for a 25.61 mile total at 17.59mph avg (9-14mph on the repeats). So Saturday I just did a little core work and then some tasty sips at the wine bar after dropping Grace off with Grandma, and home for a viewing of "Factory Girl" and an early night. Weird but entertaining movie, just don't let the kids watch.

Afterwards we indulged in a huge breakfast at an old fashioned diner, showered up, and caught the matinee of "The Bourne Ultimatum." Since when is the matinee price for tickets $6.50? And how can a bucket of popcorn and two tubs of soda possibly cost $16? Great movie, though. My only complaint was the intentionally shaky camera work. Mendy had decided to quit training for Chicago, and the mood was very light and happy. It was such a nice day, with nice food and fun activities, that I hated to see it end. I grilled up some nice rib eyes last night and cracked a bottle of very tasty Cab Sauv, and slowly we surrendered to the end of the weekend. *sigh*
Today I need to get back in the game, though. It's going to be a scorcher today, so I may not be able to run at lunch...or possibly not at all until about 10PM. We'll see, and hopefully I won't push too hard in the heat. It would be nice if I took my own advice, wouldn't it? :-)
Indeed, a great weekend it was! You're gonna really smoke our G'ville Tri. I'm excited for you! It was a nice ride for me too, would've been better had I been riding my bike the way it's supposed to be rode.
Anyhoo! you may have to start setting the clock for some early AM runs - although, not Marcy EARLY, but, in order to beat the heat, just a thought.
10 PM for a run?!?! Are you serious?
Sounds like a very nice weekend! I've never seen Factory Girl but I've seen still shots of the "good parts" LMAO! I guess it was ALL real. No loin cloths for those 2.
You know you should have taken a pic of the stach LOL!
I'm totally impressed with the 5:50 wake up!! I know how hard it is for you :P
might fine indeed! Running at 10PM? Sounds like me, Dude, but only because I've been known to run after dark :-) I checked out that tri in Greenville to see if it was still open :-) Too bad for me!!
Sounds like a great weekend! Awesome bike ride!!
We took the family to see a movie a few weeks ago and almost dropped 100 bucks. Geesh..next round we are just buying the movie and popping popcorn at home.
Marcy, I'll take a picture next time. It is aweful. he looks like a cop from Reno911 or a serial killer. It's very strange... and freaks me out.
oh yes definetly a photo moment!
Where is the Greenville Tri? I'm so out of the tri loop but maybe I could come watch if it's at Furman
I love that bike route for the Greenville Tri. It is just so nice with fields of green grass.
Stop whinning about the early morning hours. See what all you were able to fit in??
Movie cost have gotten totally out of control. That is why Scott and I love watching them here at the house any day. I also hate when people talk during movies and there seems to be too much of that. Makes me crazy!
Looking forward to cheering both you and Mendy on at the Tri.
Moustaches freak me out. I will not allow my husband to have one: he looks like a child molester, or worse, a highway cop.
Dangit your making me hungry! Keep rockin those workouts!
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